Helmhaus Zurich / World Images 3, Switzerland

From 13 November 2009 to 17 January 2010

(Two images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Two images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Three images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Three images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Six images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Six images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Two images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Two images on the right by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Two images on the left by Peter Bialobrzeski)
(Two images on the left by Peter Bialobrzeski)

XVI Encuentros Abiertos - Festival de la Luz

Migraciones - Buenos Aires 2010